LEAN 4.0 self-assessment
Corresponding author:
Jannes Slomp
An assessment tool has been developed and tested which supports the management of industrial companies to understand the situation of their firms with respect to Lean and Industry 4.0. The assessment identifies gaps between the real and the desired use of Lean methods and Industry 4.0 tools and provides input for the development of a LEAN4.0 strategy. The assessment tool can also be seen as a learning tool for managers of a company. It helps managers to understand the value of a combined use of Lean methods and Industry 4.0 technologies. Furthermore, the assessment tool supports the internal discussion in a company about the required future development of the operations function.
LEAN 4.0 Taxonomy
Corresponding author:
Jannes Slomp
A taxonomy of company types has been developed in LEAN 4.0. The taxonomy can be seen as a benchmarking tool: it challenges managers to think about the desired role of digitalization and Lean improvement methods in their company. Furthermore, the taxonomy supports managers in their thinking about ‘LEAN4.0’ organization development.
Organizational learning readiness assessment tool
Corresponding author:
In order to apply the learning types, a readiness assessment tool will be developed to question the learning behavior of an organization. As the state of readiness of a company and the relation between enterprises and HEIs to be able to learn through network learning, it is necessary to develop an assessment tool to judge whether the company is ready for learning and what has to be done to improve the ability of learning. This task will consist of both developing an organizational readiness assessment tool for companies and for Network Action Learning between academia and industry.
A taxonomy of Network Action Learning
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A taxonomy will be addressed to classify identified learning types in order to better understand the evolution of Network Action Learning. This task will develop a continuously updated taxonomy that brings together knowledge on Network Action Learning, open innovation and other learning/innovation processes specific for learning and research about Smart technologies and Lean methods. The taxonomy will draw on the findings from the two previous tasks (map of learning practices and the assessment-tool) and provide a coherent taxonomy for Network Action Learning.
Blended Network Action Learning Methodology
Corresponding author:
Darryl Powell
The Blended Network Action Learning Methodology represents a framework for problem identification, analysis, and resolution. Guidelines will be provided for how to establish the network (including roles and responsibilities) as well as for planning and taking action. A set of critical success factors for facilitating BNAL in manufacturing will also be identified.
Industrial Skillset for Smart Lean Operations & Decision Support for Smart Lean Operations & Process Innovations within Smart Lean Operations
Corresponding author:
Darryl Powell
The deliverable “Industrial Skillset for Smart Lean Operations” will identify the industrial skillsets required by Operations Managers to develop Smart Lean Operations in their own companies. WP1, industrial surveys and focus groups will be used as input to map the documented knowledges required for future Smart Lean Operations development.
The deliverable “Decision Support for Smart Lean Operations” will result in a Decision Support Methodology that will support Smart Lean Operations by developing future scenarios.
The deliverable “Process Innovations within Smart Lean Operations” will provide the knowledge to combine the Lean and Industry 4.0 paradigms to enable Smart Lean Operations. This will provide foundational theory related to the implementation, adaptation and usage of Industry 4.0 technologies, thus lifting the current level of practical knowledge and research within Smart Lean Operations.