Prof. Dr. Ingmar Ickerott

Prof. Dr. Ingmar Ickerott

Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences

Ingmar Ickerott is a professor of business administration, with specialization in logistics management at the University of Applied Science Osnabrueck. Subsequently to his masters degree in business he received his PhD in political sciences at the university of Osnabrueck. In parallel, he was management consultant and senior project manager. Professor Ickerott is honorary founding and board member of the competence network “Individuallogistik e. V. In addition, he has initiated a multitude of combined IT-Logistics research projects within the region of Osnabrueck (EEE-Logistics-Network, Dorfgemeinschaft 2.0, Glasshouse, EuroLean+). His research focus is on supply chain planning and management, LEAN, IT-related project management and Industry 4.0. Furthermore, he has a substantial experience in teaching where he is responsible for a number of Bachelor and Master Study programs at the Faculty of Management, C

  1. Berkemeier, L.; Werning, S.; Zobel, B.; Ickerott, I.; Thomas, O.: Der Kunde als Dienstleister: Akzeptanz und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Smart Glasses im Self-Service. HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik, 54, 2017, 781–794
  2. Niemöller, C; Zobel, B.; Berkemeier, L.; Metzger, D.; Werning, S.; Adelmeyer, T.; Ickerott, I.; Thomas, O.: Sind Smart Glasses die Zukunft der Digitalisierung von Arbeitsprozessen? Explorative Fallstudien zukünftiger Einsatzszenarien in der Logistik. In: Leimeister, J.M.; Brenner, W.: 13th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik, St. Gallen, 2017, 410–424
  3. 410–424 3. Buetfering, B., Van der Stoel, A., Kumar Sriram, P., Van Landeghem, H., Ickerott, I., Wiegel, V. and Alfnes, E. (2016) Lean in high variety, low volume production environments − A Literature Review and Maturity Model. In: 23rd EurOMA Conference
  4. Niemöller, C.; Metzger, D.; Thomas, O.; Ickerott, I.; Till, S.; Mollen, T.; Neumann, T.; Hucke, S.: Smart Glasses zur Unterstützung von Logistikdienstleistungen - Bedarfsorientierte Informationsbereitstellung zur Prozesssteuerung. In: productivity, Nr. 5/2015, S. 13-16
  5. Ickerott, I., Schüller, M.: Vernetzung zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis, in: LOGO, Nr. 83/2014, S. 14-16
  6. Ickerott, I.: Material flow planning – problems and areas for action, in: f+h intralogistics, 7/2013, S. 22-24
  7. Ickerott, I.: Agilität im Service durch dezentrale Organisation und Steuerung der Logistik. In: Tagungsband zur 10. Paderborner Frühjahrstagung "Reagible Unternehmen in dynamischen Märkten", Paderborn, 2008
  8. Ickerott. I.: Agentenbasierte Simulation für das Supply Chain Management, EUL Verlag, 2007
  9. Teuteberg, F.; Ickerott, I.: Mobile Supply Chain Event Management Using Auto-ID and Sensor Technologies – A Simulation Approach. In: Jung, H.; Chen, F.; Jeong, B.: Trends in Supply Chain Design and Management: Technologies and Methodologies, Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, 2007: S. 93-12